Member-only story
End the word “Retard” use!!
The word “Retard” is slang for Mental Retardation. Mental Retardation was what doctor. psychologists and other professionals used to describe people with significant intellectual impairment. Today the R-word has become a common word used by the society as an insult for someone or something stupid. For example, you might hear someone “that is so retarted” or “Don’t be a retard” When used in this way, the r-word can apply to anyone or anything, and is not specific to someone with a disability. But, even when the r-word is not said to harm someone with a disability, it is hurtful.
Because of this, the greater disability community prefers to focus on people and their gifts and accomplishments, and to dispel negative attitudes and stereotypes. The purpose of the Spread the Word to End the Word® campaign is to raise peoples’ awareness of the derogatory use of the R-Word (retard or retarded) and its negative effects on people with intellectual disabilities, as well as their families and friends. However, this campaign is about more than just raising awareness of the R-word; it is also about changing attitudes of segregation and hate, to attitudes of acceptance and respect.