Member-only story
Friends of Medium will cause a Divide!
Here’s my opinion about Medium’s new-level membership. I think friends will cause a divide between real writers and the people who are trying to scam people on this platform. I strongly believe that Medium is doing this to get rid of fraudulent activities which i understand. From what I understand the writer will earn 4x which makes it sound like it will be a good feature. I don’t see people paying $15.00 a month to write on Medium. I see this feature will cause writers to produce better quality content on this platform. I strongly believe this feature will end people who try to copy other writers’ work.
Having the right mindset
If you have the right mindset I think anyone can excel on this level. You should post blogs three times per week. If you have trouble generating content you should watch the news.
I would like to hear your opinion about Friends of Medium!!